A look ahead from Germany to 2025 – my „look ahead“ to 2025 and beyond

Published in German on January 6, 2025 by Walter Grobe

English translation by Google translator, with several corrections by the author, February 03, 2025

The New Year’s Eve fireworks in my city were lavish and lasted a long time, well past 1 a.m. The numerous people who took part, watched them and toasted each other – what moved them? Did they set them off to put themselves in a good mood for the transition into the new year or to express that they were expecting a good time? Did they want to drive away the demons that are already peeking out from behind the scenes in many places and looking like they are going to tear people apart?

The fact that ball bombs were thrown in Berlin and can already be bought more or less easily on the Internet is perhaps a sign.

Germany is being wound up, this has been evident for several years and, if one follows the blatantly pessimistic economic portrayals of the official media, this will accelerate considerably in the new year.

If so many companies, large and small, reduce their activities or stop them altogether, millions more people will become unemployed or will have to accept even lower incomes than before. It is doubtful whether the social systems will be able to cope with the new waves of poverty. It is well known that the German state has long since become unable to finance the total of pensions and other social benefits from the performance of the domestic economy and has to borrow from the international financial markets; it is estimated that the revenues from taxes and contributions required to finance the public budgets last only till June and so more than 50% of the money have to be borrowed.

However, if taxes and contributions continue to fall due to the waves of bankruptcies and rising unemployment, the state will have to pay significantly higher interest rates on its bonds than before and the debt spiral will accelerate.
Germany is being wound up in many ways and many people, some of whom will be named later, are working on this. War on its own territory is also being announced, even by ‚our own‘ politicians, as if this were normal and did not even particularly worry them. What concerns them seems to be more the question of how to reallocate budgets in order to buy lots of weapons. Even more taxes, even worse conditions in the education system and more social neglect…

Reason enough to expect bad, if not catastrophic, things from the new year or the next few years. But I also expect some different developments, something new and more socially promising.

To put it in a nutshell: the entire social model of the previous Federal Republic no longer applies.

For around 75 years, it promised citizens security, many of them a certain level of prosperity, and actually delivered on that. People were able to accept or forget a lot of things that were not among the good sides of the system: for example, many stressful, unsatisfactory working conditions, bureaucracy squared, corruption, environmental destruction, social, educational and moral decline…. – up to now, all of this has only ever worried minorities, small minorities, and prompted them to take political action, sometimes even to concepts that are difficult to understand and even outlandish and cannot reach the majority.

But now, larger parts of this majority are being affected by changes in the real conditions that had previously hardly been worried. Thoughts are becoming more agile and will put the previous assumptions to the test – and the consciousness industry is working at full speed to direct them in destructive directions. Divisions, fear and incitement are increasing. By having the population tear itself apart politically and socially as far as possible, the rule and enrichment of the billionaire classes – or so they calculate – can be maintained.

This can only accelerate the collapse. Why am I saying this?

Because every system of exploitation depends on cohesion, cooperation, mutual support, tolerance and a „we“ mentality prevailing in the productive population. When all social cohesion is ruined, when the neoliberal capitalist model has finally reduced all human relationships to monetary relationships, when every action is only measured by what I get in my account for it, the productivity of the social base collapses and with it ultimately the basis of exploitation itself. The medical system is a clear example, despite the enormous human commitment of many of those employed in it.

You can pack up.

The destruction will take many and sometimes extremely terrible forms, possibly even civil wars and military interventions from abroad, for example when nuclear powers carry out their rivalries on the territory of Germany and other European countries. Then parts could become uninhabitable and for many survivors, the basic economic basis of existence will disappear. The previous cases of energy supply and communication facilities being blown up can certainly be understood as ’subtle hints‘ of what is possible.

In other words: other forms of coexistence, social production, cohesion and peace will emerge. They will have to emerge because survival will no longer be possible in any other way.

In an earlier post, I gave examples of how some people in today’s society are already working on the foundations for something new: 1. they are better understanding the relationships between human societies and nature and are converting food production and agriculture to real sustainability and control by society at the grassroots level. 2.they are gradually better understanding how exploitation has developed in human society, starting with the patriarchal oppression of the female sex, and are working to overcome it; 3. they are gradually gaining a better understanding of certain one-sidednesses in modern European philosophical development, for example the one-sided, strong focus on the „individual“ as a supposedly autonomous source of knowledge, and on the „individual“ as the supposedly ultimate source of economic activity, views that have contributed significantly to unlimited individual profit-seeking, exploitation, colonialism, imperialism and racism. This understanding could help considerably in the practice of new – and in some cases old – forms of more collective and social economics.

Germany and the new „multipolarity“

If one tries to understand the internal contradictions that are now asserting themselves so blatantly and quite destructively in contemporary German society, the global shifts in the balance of power cannot be ignored. Germany has had a relatively secure place and function in these up to now; if everything is in flux globally, this aspect of German „security“ is also likely to be over.

From this highly complex and so far only partially recognizable processes, I would like to address here only the question of the development of the capitalist-imperialist rivalry between the traditional „western“ power center of capitalism, the USA, and its rising competitor China.

The key word is multipolarity.

Multipolarity could mean a new, different distribution of global power, of military, financial and political centers. The USA’s claim to global dominance, which has become untenable, is now being replaced, according to the positive interpretation, by a „fairer“ distribution between the two main centers, the USA and China, and one or two secondary centers (what currently seems to refer primarily to the EU). As a result, large global zones such as the so-called BRICS countries would now have more freedom of movement and better development opportunities. Brazil, South Africa, Central Asian countries, etc. would also benefit from the rise of China and the reduction of global controls by the USA and Western capitalism.

In addition to this relatively positive interpretation of the new multipolarity, which at first glance seems plausible, there are also darker aspects which, however, I must leave out for now.

These lines primarily deal with the narrow question: how could things continue with Germany, and this question takes on various concrete forms under the conditions of the new multipolarity. Under the previous global distribution of power, for example under the long-defunct „system competition“ between the USA and the so-called socialist bloc and later under the USA’s claim to sole superpower status, Germany was an indispensable building block, especially for the USA, but also for Russia in the post-socialist phase and for China in its first stages of development as the new industrial focus of world production – but Germany is now becoming increasingly dispensable.

This pleases some people.

At this point, I have to avail myself of an extremely condensed and simplified look at Germany’s global position since the 19th century. This glance is intended to draw attention to factors that continue to have an impact.

Until its relatively late turn to colonialism and imperialism, around the turn of the millennium in 1900, Germany had experienced a strong development of internal forces that distinguished it positively from the colonial powers of the modern era such as Great Britain and France and also the newly emerging neo-colonial power USA.

For example, the level of education of the entire population was significantly higher than that of the aforementioned, and accordingly the sciences, especially the natural sciences and their technical and industrial applications in the phase following German unification after 1871 developed to a relatively greater extent and strength than in the other powers. The so-called humanities, such as history and philosophy, i.e. the search for understanding the social and cultural development of humanity, also developed relatively strongly and in a relatively enlightened manner. In addition, there was an upswing in the modern workers‘ movement, which had begun in Germany soon after the start of modern industrialization and led to politically and morally strong organizations such as the old Social Democratic Party and trade unions that had no equal in other countries; before the start of the First World War in 1914, it seemed a real possibility that they the workers’ movement could gain political leadership in a relatively peaceful way. The war and the transition of the workers‘ leaders to the war party put a stop to this. The country was never to recover from this political and moral defeat; the Nazi dictatorship was one of the more direct consequences.

With its economic strength, which was still based on education, science, technology and a social peace – albeit forced – Germany was indispensable for both sides in the period after WWII and the period of system competition between the USA and the bloc led by the Soviet Union. The USA developed the Federal Republic of Germany, the Western part of the country, into a positive showcase of its capitalism towards the East; and the Soviet Union, for its part, urgently needed economic exchange with the FRG. One thinks, for example, of the so-called gas pipeline deal, which incidentally also included the German Democratic Republic (DDR) as an essential part.

After the collapse of the „Eastern Bloc“, little changed in this regard, as the remaining Russia continued to compete with the USA for political influence in Europe and for the use of economic relations with Germany.

If China now emerges as a power that becomes a world leader in almost every technical and industrial respect and, in the spirit of the new multipolarity, the structurally weak Russia virtually joins in; on the other hand, if industry in Germany collapses, partly due to the long-term ruin of its own energy supply, and loses its former capitalist importance for international capital, be it in the USA, China or other parts of the world, then the country becomes increasingly shaky as a force that had so far always been able to maneuver between the blocs and maintain itself.

I assume – on my own responsibility, because no one dares to talk about it here – that there is a tendency in the USA that wants to finally put an end to this eternally unreliable candidate who has so far prevented the USA from clearly dominating the European continent and has always been a source of fundamental criticism of the criminal basic structures of the USA.

In my view, multipolarity does not primarily mean an attempt at order that tends more or less towards stability and diplomatically negotiated non-war conditions, but on the contrary a permanent conflict over the spheres of influence of the two hegemons, the USA and China, i.e. also a permanent state of war or semi-war, at least between so-called representatives.

The further wars announced in Europe, including in Germany, are likely to be of this kind, the precursors of which, such as the Balkan War of 1999 and the Ukraine War, have already shown similar traits. They were wars about whether the USA or the Russian-Chinese coalition, which had been emerging since around 1995, would be in charge. I would like to stress here that the internal conditions of this coalition do not seem to me to have any better qualities than the Western ones.

After attempting to outline as briefly as possible some developments that can and probably will have destructive, even fundamentally destructive effects on our country, I would like to stress in summary that there are internal strengths in our history and culture that continue to have an impact; that the upheavals will force many people to reorient themselves; and that, in my opinion, there are also many people among us who are beginning to recognize the challenges and are not giving in.

Concerning the commentary function on this website: already long ago I had to disable it because of tons of rubbish, advertisments etc. being constantly uploaded to the website. If you want to comment on my articles, therefore, please write to my e-mail-address krixel@aol.com. I promise to publish, as an annex to the article concerned, any contribution loaded with some element of factuality, except the sender does not wish that.

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